My parents obviously have a problem with this arrangement.
They think I don't see them reading that book "52 Gentle ways to get baby to sleep". I know how to just fine, as long as I'm nestled between their warm bodies.
They tried to put me down in a foreign spot "my crib" for a nap. I was NOT having it. They let me cry for almost 45 minutes. I have never cried that long. That wore me out, but I have a strong will and would not go to sleep in the foreign spot. They finally surrendered. Soon as I was safe and secure in Mommy's arms I went fast asleep. (Jenesis 1 - Mommy & Daddy 0).
After dinner, my Daddy gave me my bath, read my story and sang to me. Before I knew what happened I was sleeping good. Once he was sure I was good and gone you know what he did . . .yep you guessed right. He put me in the foreign spot. I was too exhausted from my fit earlier to put up a fight (Jenesis 1 - Mommy & Daddy 1).
Stay tuned as the Campbell Family Feud continues!