Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Crib

We've been "cosleeping" / "bedsharing" or whatever the experts call it for 9 months now. I haven't had a problem with it so why go changing things?

My parents obviously have a problem with this arrangement.
They think I don't see them reading that book "52 Gentle ways to get baby to sleep". I know how to just fine, as long as I'm nestled between their warm bodies.

They tried to put me down in a foreign spot "my crib" for a nap. I was NOT having it. They let me cry for almost 45 minutes. I have never cried that long. That wore me out, but I have a strong will and would not go to sleep in the foreign spot. They finally surrendered.  Soon as I was safe and secure in Mommy's arms I went fast asleep.  (Jenesis 1 - Mommy & Daddy 0).

After dinner, my Daddy gave me my bath, read my story and sang to me. Before I knew what happened I was sleeping good. Once he was sure I was good and gone you know what he did . . .yep you guessed right. He put me in the foreign spot. I was too exhausted from my fit earlier to  put up a fight (Jenesis 1 - Mommy & Daddy 1).

Stay tuned as the Campbell Family Feud continues!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Our Walk

My Daddy is hanging out with me and Mommy this week. He joins us on our daily walks and everything. When we started our walk this morning it was cool and windy so Mommy had me bundled up. My Daddy pulled my stroller to keep me safe from the wind.

The ducks were enjoying the great weather along too. I wanted to pet them, but Mommy and Daddy wouldn't let me. (they won't let me do anything).
It was really warm by the time we headed home. I was footloose and fancy free. Too bad Daddy couldn't get comfty like me :-)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My Cultural Experience

I had my first cultural experience and it was cool. I went to the Dallas Museum of Art. We learned about  Mark Bradford whose career didn't jumpstart until he was in his 40's. Mommy says that inspired her! I saw African headwear, and learned why hats are so important to various cultures. Unfortunately, they didn't allow us to take pictures of the headwear. It was beautiful.

Very Interesting!

I'm holding on to Drew & hoping he'll pull me out of this stroller on the sly!!

Me and Mommy

In front of a muriel across the street from the Museum