Monday, April 29, 2013

The ABC Dance

Check out Drew and I as we choreograph an ABC Dance!

Jenesis "The Explorer"

I love to watch Dora, The Explorer. So, my Mommy FINALLY let me do some exploring of my own. She gave me free reign out in the Texas BlueBonnets chasing a blutterfly. My cousin, Jacob, came along to serve as, Diego. 


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Cell Phone Incident

Me: Mommy tea party??
Cell Phone: No, its my time
Me: enough is enough in the water you go
Cell Phone: save me Jai, save me!!
Me: bye bye cell phone....Mommy, tea time?

Remedy:  Mommy was advised to disconnect battery and phone, bury them separately in uncooked rice for two days.  You know this was serious because we don't waste rice in this house! 

End Result: This  method really works, and Mommy survived two whole days without texting. Mommy's phone is working fine and she's back to texting, but for the record, I bet that phone won't interfere with my tea party again!

Monday, April 22, 2013

My Potential New Ride

 Family, I have my sights on a new ride. Yea, I know my feet can't reach the pedals just yet, but I'm still growing aren't I???? 
 I'm putting this on my Christmas list today!
It matches my room and everything.
I plan to roll around the neighborhood on this next summer!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Drivers ED

I recently found out I can get my license at sixteen. All this time I was thinking I had to be  eighteen.  I plan on putting in a lot of practice over the next fourteen years. 
During my practice sessions, Daddy helps me reach the pedals and assist with my steering.

No need to practice fussing at other drivers. . . I have that under control!!