Tuesday, May 1, 2012

There are certain necessities in life that a girl needs at a very young age . . . like COACH purses. In the event Daddy does not see this as a necessity, one has to take matters into her own hands.
 (Please see example below)
Let's see . . .what's in here I can use. . . . . hmm,
can't use the credit card because I don't know how to write yet.
CASH works and it looks like there's just enough to get my purse. . .
 he won't miss it!

Here I am with my 1st COACH Purse.
I wear it well don't I :-)
I drove Dino to the store and purchased my purse
 with the money I "borrowed" from Daddy. 

Next on the must have list. . . PEARLS.  It's almost election time and I'll need me some pearls to wear with my First Lady for the Inauguration ceremony!

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